Wednesday, March 9, 2011


        So today friends I bring to you Chan's HCG story of counting everything is about counting.  I got up this morning stepped on the scale and counted 1 lb down bring me to a grand total of L.B'S gone 32 that is right count them 32 lbs gone off this here body.
       Now that brings me to the next step which  is to count that today is day 1 of my 3 days off the HCG injection until I move to Phase 3 at which time I will start counting all over again till I hit 23 days,  then moving right alone I will start counting my 3 days of loading. (Which I have to say I am counting on that !) 
   Then when I get to work, in addition to counting the hours and min until I get to leave work , it is time to start counting the amount of glasses of water I drink in a day.  Today I am at 1 coffee, 8 glasses of water and 1 glass of ice tea.  With drinking this amount it causes my next problem and thing I get to count my trips back and forth to the bathroom, 
    I know lets' make a game of it like Count Dracula would do- 1 trip to the bathroom hahhahaha 2 trips to the bathroom hahahaha 3 trips to the bathroom hahahaha well you get the picture do that like 8 times a day. Meanwhile stressing about your break time and counting the minutes and watching trying with each trip to the bathroom and to refill the water to try and do it faster then the last as the break time meter keeps going up and up.  That is the problem people the more you drinking the more you pee !!! Yes that is right people we are now talking about my pee!  lol  I am sorry it is just all part of the weight loss game. 
     But I will say this, the next thing I want to be counting is my dropping pants size.  I put on a pair of pants today that fit me before don't get me wrong they just fit better today it made me excited to go in my closet and see what possibilities I have been saving all these years, as I was counting the sizes going up. 
   I was thinking a weird thing today through, I have pants in my closet that will be to big soon.  I know this sounds stupid but I am afraid to get rid of them.  But I know I need to. Because I don't ever want to have to wear that size again.  But I am not there yet I will cross that bridge when it comes I guess. 
     But for now I will keep counting:  counting days, counting trips to the bathroom, glasses of water and hopefully keep counting lbs dropping ( if all goes well), and someday I may even actually start counting calories.
     Who said you would never need math when you grow up !!!   lol  Isn't all this counting fun ! :)    TTFN Chan @>---- ( this is my attempt at a computer rose )    OK NITE ALL !!

1 comment:

  1. I promise that you will get to a point where you can drink 8 glasses of water and not have to run to the bathroom every ten minutes. :). Your body will get used to it soon.

    I am so proud of how strong you have been. 32 lbs is AMAZING!! Keep it up.

    P.s. You guys need to write something in your 'about' sections. Let me know if you need help.


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