Hello my name is Chantel and I am diet cheater, I have been back on the wagon for 2 days now!
I am sure you can see it has been awhile since I last blogged. It is due to my deep deep deep deep deep oh yeah deep shame and remorse.. I have sucked at this weight loss gig for awhile now. I am a professional cheater. I get down I go up, I get down I go back up.. On average my weight loss is stalled I have lost and gain the same 6-7 lbs for over a month now.. I am done with it. I suck !
Now please don't get me wrong, I am not losing my will to diet, I still want to loss this weight. I really really do. I am just having a hard time balancing my weekends and my weight loss. I do pretty good all week then comes the stupid weekend. I screw it up. Every Freakin time. I am so mad at my self right now. I am now as of today at 338.8lb which does not sound to bad except that 1 week ago tomorrow I was at 336.6 lbs so I am up from a week ago still. Disappointed is a understatement.
Recently me and my weight loss buddies have been going through a bumpy patch. Ang want to go out drinking every weekend don't get me wrong I am all over that.. I am having a blast. I just have a bad habit of snacking while drunk and the day after wanting to eat everything in sight. While Ang is doing just great.. She is within 32 lbs of her goal weight. I am so proud of her. She is rockin it!
Carri is a whole other story! Which is hers to share on this sight when she is ready to do so.
She and I just went to Vegas this last week I worked really hard to stay on diet or at least a version of a diet. All and all I can't be to mad, I am back down .2 compared to where I could of been after a few days in The Las Vegas.
But I am here to say there is life after Vegas, I am going to get back in gear. I need to just stay with this. I have stopped my HCG injection for now. I am going to stay off them until August to try and let my body reboot but I am going to be trying to maintain at least where I am , and loss what I can also in the mean time. I just have to get my life back on track.. This weight loss means something to me. I am going to do this. I am going to beat this beast that controls me and has for so many years.
My good friend Aubrey H, ( sorry I am about to be a plagiarizer - Aubs' sorry) she said something the other day, I swear it needs to be my new motto.
I need to eat to live not live to eat ! That about sums it up people right there call it a night.... lol NO honestly that is awesome advise and I think about it alot.... way to go Aub you are more then a pretty face...lol (love ya- just don't sue me when I make a million dollars selling the concept- when I loss all my weight and do single and losin it semiars all over the world... lol).
So here we go starting a weekend and a holiday weekend at that wish me luck. I am going to eat to live not live to eat (except for BBQ Sunday -sorry see what I mean I suck I just freakin love food ok -lol) NO honestly there is life after Vegas and I am going to live it. And get back on track !! I will try and write more I think it helps to vent and get my sins in the open..
So there you have it I am a diet cheater and I am not proud of it.. TTFN Chan
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