Wednesday, June 1, 2011


     So I have come up with just a few rules for a fat girl to live by , or PHAT if you prefer.  Now these rules are not all inclusive, they can change at any time or be added on or subtracted from.. they are just a general rule of thumb.

1.   Don't stand next to a short or smaller person for to long it makes you feel even larger.

2.  Always, always check the weight limit on a ride at a theme park before getting on the ride to avoid a very embracing scene latter when they ask you to get off the ride for being over the weight limit... (yes saddly there is a story there but it is for another time)

3. Boys can be jerks !

4. When someone says you have such a pretty face, or if you dropped a few pounds you would be such a pretty girl, just remember they meant that as a compliment.

5.  If a boy tells you he thinks your cute, or funny, or adorable, or even that he loves your smile, DO NOT assume he likes you, please refer back to rule #3.

6.  Before you sit on chair you don't normally sit in or on, check it for the sturdy factor before sitting down, and slowly put your weight on it to insure it will hold, then sit still if your still in doubt, this too could turn into a very sad situation for you and the chair if you don't take the time to check it out.

7.  Please do not punch or slap the shit out of a skinny girl who keep insisting she is fat.

8.  Almost always try and have a good sense of humor about being fat.  Trust me is much better to laugh with someone then to be laughed at.

9.  Wear baggy clothes be sure to point it out to others how baggy those clothes are because if your clothes are baggy surely you must be losing weight, the second part of this is it makes you think you look smaller if your clothes are to big. No one will ever catch on to your real size..

10. As a rule of thumb don't buy sports cars the smaller the car the bigger you feel and look. 

11. Be happy for hell sakes, love your self, it is hard enough for a big girl to get a boyfriend don't make it even harder by being the grump or having a bad personality.  That is a fat girls trade mark don;t you know when a guy ask what is she like (ie what does she look like) and your a fat girl they will always say well she has a good personality don't take that away from your self.. Use what you got girl. Honestly!

12.  Have some self esteem for hell sakes there are worse thing than being fat, you could be ugly too.

13.  I would rather be fat and happy then skinny and miserable. 

Well I think that is a good dent in the rules for today I may address this further in future blog updates.. I am just sayin follow some rules it will make your life a little easier...... TTFN  Chan 

1 comment:

  1. I love these rules Chan! They are so true, and probably the ones that are most broken.

    I miss you.


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