Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What the Hell !

Hello Me Again,
    So here is the thing, as the L-B's go down I seem to be attracting a little attention from the opposite sex.  Now weather is from my award winning personality or my new sexy hair do, this I do not know, but what I am telling you shit is getting deep up in here. lol Tonight I was texting 4 boys at the same time. Although admittedly exciting.  What the hell is that about right !   

   I  just have to laugh because out of the 4 boys I am still up in the air with no where to go. Out of these 4 boys,  not sure any of them is going to work out, or that I even want them to because here is the thing.   1 is married,( he does not know I know that but I do, he he he), 1 is way way to young ( but dam cute), 1 only wants sex ( and the jury is still out on that offer -lol)  and the other god only know what his deal is.

   But here is the saddest part of all this,  the one I like the least is the one that wants sex and the one I like the most is the one I should be messing with the least, (ok not the very least because the least is the married boy.  But no worries nothing is happening there, even a big girl has to draw a line some where right lol )   No in all honestly it makes me laugh.  Because I don't know what the heck is happening around here.... 
  This much I will say I have never been one to have a case of low self esteem - other then like everyone women in American when I am having a pity party or something.  But for the most part I think I am the same person. Maybe a little more active but pretty much me.  I guess it just goes to show what dropping a few
L-B'S. can do for a girl though.   Right down to a 1 night stand in Wendover ( not with any of the 4 boys listed above mind you- and not that I am overly proud of myself on that one but it is what it is right).  ( And for those of you thinking TMI sorry you signed up to read this crap and the title is single and losin it after all... lol )

     Hey I should be jumping with joy right I am living the player life extraordinaire. lol 
But through all the BS I do have to say this, it is nice to be noticed for a change.  Told your pretty and beautiful and all that stuff, even if he is just trying to get in your pants. I can live with that.

  But please know this, that I tell this story to you my friends with a aire of caution please refer back to "Rules of the Fat Girl " # 3.   Boys can be jerks!  I say this because why does it take me losing 100lbs to get a guy to take a second look.  I am still the same girl on the inside just not as thick on the out side.  What the hell !!   Any way not sure I had a huge point to this blog entry tonight just had some thoughts rolling around in my head I couldn't sleep and thought why not share !!   Lucky you!!

    So hey everyone there you have it.  If I am this crazy at 328.8lbs watch out boys here I come !! lol  No body wants to know what  299 lbs will bring......  but I will let you know you can count on it TMI and all !  Don't stress to much Iwill try and keep it rated PG-13.  I promise!
                                                                                        TTFN Chan

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